Please consider making an amazing and indelible contribution to Operation HOPE's mission through sponsoring a Table at our Fourteenth Annual Banquet.

Platinum Sponsor: $12,000
- Name/logo on printed materials
- Sponsorship listing on Operation HOPE website
- One VIP table (8 spots)
- Two reserved sponsor tables (16 seats)
- Eight tickets to exclusive VIP reception

Gold Sponsor: $9,000
- Name/Logo on printed materials
- Sponsorship listing on Operation HOPE website
- Two reserved sponsor tables (16 seats)
- Six tickets to exclusive VIP reception

Silver Sponsor: $4,000
- Name/Logo on printed materials
- Sponsorship listing on Operation HOPE website
- Two reserved sponsor tables (16 spots)
- Four tickets to exclusive VIP reception

Bronze Sponsor: $3,000
- Name/Logo on printed materials
- Sponsorship listing on Operation HOPE website
- One reserved sponsor table (8 spots)
- Two tickets to exclusive VIP reception

Although we always enjoy promoting our supporters, we certainly understand if you would prefer to sponsor this event anonymously.
If you wish to remain anonymous, please let us know.