New Operation HOPE Videos
These three short films debuted last night at the Sixth Annual Operation HOPE Banquet and, as promised, they will now be available to watch 24/7 right here on They have been somewhat of a labor-of-love for me and I hope that they will touch your heart as you watch them.
When I first got involved with Operation HOPE nearly a year ago today, I had an image, or rather a series of images in my head that I wanted to get out. I had yet to travel to Haiti or Iraq or to even attend an official Operation HOPE sponsored event, but I knew from day-one that there were things that were happening that I needed to share with our supporters. We've had thousands of photos taken of our work being done and I'm more than proud to say that over the past year, I have had the honor of shooting some of those photos. We've told stories to groups of people, given first-hand accounts to our families, and even made presentations at formal events, but until now, we've never quite been able to communicate our purpose as clearly as we've wanted to. I can tell you a story of a child who is eating a meal that was made possible by your donations, I could even show you a photo of him holding up a bowl of food, but there's a certain connection that happens when you are actually able to see him lifting the spoon up to his mouth and smiling as he takes a bite. I realize it almost seems as if I'm describing this miracle of video as if it's only just now come into existence, and yet I feel that with these three new videos that we have produced, we have the opportunity to take Operation HOPE to new heights.
We can finally show you, our partners, exactly where your money is going and what it means to the folks who are receiving your support. You can click on each of the three thumbnails above to view the videos on this page or watch our other news entries which may include videos as well.
I would like to send out a special thanks to Zack McDowell for helping me shoot some of the footage back in June 2011, Brandon Snyder for providing the closing animations for each video, and my friends and family for their encouragement and support as I shot, edited and produced these three short films. Thank you for checking them out, and please share them with everyone you know so that together, we can spread the word and make a difference. Thank you, and God Bless.